Table of Contents

I. My Definition of Research Essays As A Student

II. Materials I Need for My Research Essays

III. Interesting Topic for My Research Essays

IV. Improving My Skill In Writing Essays

V. Discoveries While Writing Essays

VI. Research Essays: To Whom I Should Ask For Help

VII. Working Well With Writing Partner

VIII. Should One Avoid Sensitive Topics In Writing Essays?

IX. Personal Opinion: Writing Research Essays at School

X. Finishing Touches for My Research Essay

Finishing Touches for My Research Essay

finish race flag

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So, this is the promised finale for my post on research essay writing. There’s terrible pressure to make it as best as the first blog-entry I’ve shared. In fact, I’m feeling too sentimental; I’m hardly blinking through these tears (sniff, sniff)…

Oh well, I got to bring it on. So, here’s how to furnish the Research essays’ final part.

I myself am no expert in writing conclusive parts for my research pieces. My tutor has even remarked about the lack of clarity.

Step #1: Show a friend, classmate, or tutor your drafted last part.
Feedback is an important ingredient for every attempt to improve your research pieces. Hence, avoid ditching it, even if the truth hurts. Listen attentively and commit to actually making an improvement for the final part.

At times, I feel I am in no mood to write spontaneously. At this rate, I’d be preparing an outline.

Step #2 Create a fitting content for the Research essays’ final part.

For instance, if the introduction is about the objective of the research and the body presents the collated research evidence – the last part will have to discuss on the findings of the research.

We’ve tackled about improvement and content; how about the real ‘finishing touches’ of the piece?


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Step #3 Allocate sufficient time to proofread and revise the final portion.

Okay, I am no immune to fatigue; in most cases, our patience and energy on the written piece may have been used up to work on the introduction and body. What’s left for the last part is a meagre portion. But hey, remind yourself that if you slack at the last part, then it will be your piece’s ruin.Furthermore, you’ve done quite a lot to ensure the quality of your piece; why leave the last part to rot?

Unfortunately, making the Research essays’ final part perfect is not attained overnight. It has to be consistently practised.

Step #4 Repeat all-three steps regularly, ah no, every single time you’re tasked to write the research piece.

Do it and stop grumbling. Do it and forget about making any ‘valid’ excuses. Just do it and bask in your success – that great mark, that positive critique from tutor and peers.

These four are my personal touches for research-works; make them yours, too!

Personal Opinion: Writing Research Essays at School

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Sharing my point of view about research essays has been essential for this blog. I sincerely hope that this was of help for most of you, in the short and long terms of research essay writing.

However, there had been trends in this academic activity that I think needed further discussion. Be cautioned that the following points are mine to make, but yours to reflect:

Schools don’t seem to realise the necessity of support. How many times have I reiterated the need for us, students, to obtain concrete support for our research essays? Certainly, I did that too many times; and while my voice is a wee bit tiny to be heard by large academic institutions, collate yours with mine and we’d be equivalent to considerable decibels.

Enough is enough. The culture within uni halls that labels those who didn’t fare well in research essays stupid or intellectually lacking should stop and cease to exist. What needs to be recognised is the need for help and that’s my point of view about research essays.

Students need to ask for support. Let’s face it: staying mum about our writing support needs won’t make a difference in how we do our writing or how tutors design their essay metrics. In the growing orientation of research even at undergraduate level, it has been no surprise that research essays become a staple coursework for almost any type of student.

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As students, we need to create a clear message as to where our weaknesses in writing lie. Is it in grammar or referencing? Is it in maintaining a productive pace of writing? Whatever it is or are, we got to name it. In most cases, specific issues seem smaller and manageable and are therefore, subject to accessible solutions – than the generalised “I need help” statement.

Students should be receptive of other kinds of support. Ranting at an uninterested or disengaged tutor or institution may have long term impacts (i.e., consider your needs). But in the meantime, you will need another kind of writing support.

You can get just that if you welcome options, like working with buddies, tutorials, writing seminars, and writing services.

My point of view about research essays matters, because like you, I’m after improvement, skills, and of course, marks.